Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Head over Heels

You may remember my First School Days Jacket + Coat well since it made me fall in love with sewing I knew I'd make it again!  I thought I'd try a completely different fabric so I decided to try my hand at a raincoat.

I fell in love with this green apple oilcloth at Haberman Fabrics.  I've since learned that Oilcloth can off-gas for quite a while and isn't ideal for Children's clothes.  To say I was bummed would be a huge understatement!  I may make another out of laminated cotton.

The oilcloth was quite challenging to work with but my New Machine handled it like a champ!

Ahh, in love all over again!


  1. What a cute coat! Thanks for the oilcloth tip too. (and sorry about it).

    1. Thanks so much! Sew and learn I guess ;)
